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- Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Lab
- Environmentally Controlled.
- Keyence XM Series T1000, virtual reality principle portable CMM
- Oasis Optical Automatic Smart Inspection System
- Brown & Sharpe Xcel Programmable Coordinate Measuring Machine 30x48x20
- Nikon CMM Manager software
- Opticom Qualifier 30 Optical Comparator.
- Gagemaster Optical Comparator, up to 50XMag.
- Rockwell Hardness Tester, Scales A, B, C
- Amada FabriVISION Integrated Sheet Metal Inspection Systems
- Tesa Micro Height manual CMM, 20x20x12 capacity.
- Full complement of hand measuring tools and gages, gage acquisition as necessary.
- Certified internal/external QMS auditor on staff.